This page last changed on Feb 01, 2005 by sbannasch.


What is TEEMSS2?
(put overview on website ? ?Why TEEMSS2??)


What activities are available? Are they free?

How can I preview them?

Can I print them?

Is there a teacher version? What additional material does it have? How do I find it?


What Probeware does CCPortfolio support?

Pasco ScienceWorkshop 500, CI-6400 serial interface (no USB)
  USB/Serial Converter, CI-6759 serila-to-usb adaptor needed for CI-6400
Vernier Go! Link, GO-LINK  
  Go! Temp, GO-TEMP basically a Go! Link with a built-in temperature probe
  Go! Motion, GO-MOT basically a Go! Link with a built-in sonar ranger
DataHarvest EasySense Q  
CMA Coach II CoachLab II  
Fourier EcoLog XL

In Fall 2005 CCPortfolio will work on Palm and PocketPC handhelds and it will also support:

Imagiworks ImagiProbe LC
Data Harvest EasySense Flash Logger

Which sensors can I use? (brand, type)

What hardware is needed besides the sensors themselves and the computer? (put aside the handheld world for the moment.)

How do I hook up the sensors?

Do I need to tell the program which make and kind of sensor I?m using?


What software program do I use with the sensors?

How do I put it on all of my students? computers?

What computers and what operating systems can be used?

Can I run it on my home computer?

How do the students have access to it? (exact steps)

How do they find their way to a specific investigation?

How and where do the students save their work? Can they get back to it? Can they print it? Can I see it?

Can we run the sensors and save data without going into an investigation?

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:44